

What does your 2SLGBTQ+ identity mean to you? 


2SLGBTQIA+ identity can help us as people feel relief from the social pressure to fill rigid roles in society. It is a spectrum of social positions from which the world can be viewed. Queerness can help all people, queer or not, feel liberated to self define and live authentically.

What makes you feel empowered in your identity?

Queer identity provides me space to expand on my self concept in non normative ways. It gives me creative freedom over my gender presentation and expression. I am grateful to be queer because it allows me to be myself without apology.


What is one (or more) of your favorite things about yourself? 

I am adventurous, I am resilient, and I love deeply.


What is your favorite part about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Oklahoma? What would you like to see more of in our community?

I am constantly impressed by how organized our community is and how quickly we come together when it matters. I hope to see the queer community safely celebrated by the larger Oklahoma community.