A World of Possibilities for Your Senior Sesh


Choices choices choices

A lot goes into making your Senior photos stand out and express your unique personality. Today I want to talk about how to pick the perfect location for your Senior session. When it comes to picking a location, there are so many options and it can be a lot of fun to get creative with it!

So what are my options?

Anything under the sun! Or under a light bulb for that matter.


THe great outdoors

When deciding where to have your Senior session, start basic. Inside or outside? Or both? During the warmer months, it can be nice to take advantage of the beautiful colors available in gardens, parks, by the lake, etc. Some of my favorite outdoor options are the Will Rodgers Gardens, Myriad Botanical Gardens, downtown OKC, and Lake Hefner.

that sounds great, but i’d rather be indoors

There’s also room to get creative if indoor is more of your thing! My studio is always an option. You can choose from my wide selection of backdrops, we can play around with props and even projectors for more artistic lighting. Other indoor options could be your favorite coffee shop, art museum, bookstore, record store. Think about where you feel most yourself!

what if I want to include my passions?

Another option for tailoring your session location to you would be to include your talents and hobbies. If you’re an athlete, why not get some action shots on the track field or the basketball court?? Do you play an instrument or act in theater? Let’s get some shots in the theater you perform in. I’ve had seniors who run, paint, take photos, hunt, play basketball, etc. There are ways to incorporate all these skills into a session. This is a collaborative experience, don’t be afraid to bring up your unique ideas!

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and you walk away with photos that feel like YOU. Lets get creative!

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