Do I really need a gallery with tons of images?

I think there are a lot of expectations when getting your photo taken. Which isn’t a bad thing.. You should be picking a photographer based on your needs and what you are looking for! But once thing I’ve noticed some potential clients get hung up on is that I don’t just give them a gallery of all the images from their session, however many it may be. You can buy as many as you’d like, but my packages range from 10-40 One of those expectations being that you need and will receive a gallery of tens, maybe even hundreds of images. Every photographer is different, and I know there are plenty that will give you nearly every image they took. But things are a little different with me.

Reasons why you don’t actually need 100+ images

  1. When there are that many images, the odds of you using even half are slim. Excess isn’t always best. When you book a session with me, I first cull through all the best images with the best expressions. Then, you get to go through these images and pick the ones you actually want. No sorting through a gallery of hundreds just to find you favorite 10 to use.

2. Less final images means more attention to detail. When editing, I’m not skimming through making light adjustments, trying to get through everything as quick as possible. Each image gets the same level of attention and care, and I’ll take the time to remove distractions, blemishes, and anything that takes attention away from YOU.

3. Each image you purchase is a work of art. We have dwindled your session down to the best of the best, then those images receive ample care and attention. Once complete, you have a gallery of beautiful art that will last a lifetime.

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